Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I watched the movie "Crossing Over" two nights ago. It stars Harrison Ford and others. Harrison Ford's character is an immigration police officer. They show him and his squad raiding sweat shops in LA and busting illegal immigrants all over Los Angeles.I never knew how the immigration system worked here in the United States nor did I know anything about a six month visa, extending your visa, and what can happen to you if you are busted for illegally living in the United States of America. I know since 9/11 laws have been changed, some for the worse, and some for the better. My girlfriend and I have been argueing about a part of the movie. In the movie a fifteen year muslim girl gives a speech to her high school class defending the 9/11 suicide bombers. She basically says that the bombers and Bin Laden, needed to get their message heard and this the way they had to go about it. She pointed out that after our own planes crashed into our own buildings their voices, the suicide bombers and Bin Laden's, were heard. I thought to myself, "Hmm, I still don't know what message Bin Laden was trying to get us to hear. I was too busy mourning for the lives lost, the devastation of being attacked on our own soil, and crying for the famililes that were left to mourn their loved ones."Any message that I was supposed to hear, if I wasn't so busy being outraged and sad, would have fallen on deaf ears because who in their right mind could kill so many innocent people to make a point? Only a psycho, and I don't want to hear what a psycho says.The girl in the movie went on in her speech to basically say Americans are ignorant. The principle reported her to the FBI who sent immigration officers to her house. Her room was searched and her computer was picked apart. They found several sites she visited pertaining to suicide bombers and other sites that were sympathetic to terrorists.In the end, immigration deported her and her mother, both whom were residing in California illegally, and allowed her father and her two siblings who were citizens of the United States to stay. The siblings were born here. As this fifteen year old girl was boarding the plane to be deported back to her country I was cheering the TV. My friend thinks this was terrible. I am all for allowing any person from any country into the United States of America if they are here legally and are not sympathetic to terrorists and their cause! Was I wrong guys? Should she have been allowed to stay? Yes, this was a movie, but these things happen. Unfortunately, the Patriot Act has opened up peoples lives to be studied like an open book for our government. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I believe it is both! I believe the system is flawed. But I also believe the system works. Any insight?

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