Thursday, June 18, 2009

If I Had To Do It All Over Again...Job choice 2

This job requires travel, at times to exotic locations, and dark alleys. I will dress in super sexy black clothing while scaling the outside of the SIS building also known as the M16 building aka the British Secret Intelligence Service headquarters.
Once I get in the building I will slink down dark corridors looking for the office of the head of the British Intelligence. Once I come upon it, I will use his finger, the head of the British Intelligence, on the pad that requires an exact match of his finger print that I cut off of him after a long interrogation on how to get into his office and where the chip I need is located.
Once in his office I realize I tripped a secret blue ray light that beams every one and half seconds. Only you don't see the blue ray light, it is actually a mist. Once I realize I have tripped the secret alarm I check the monitors in his office and realize I have less than three minutes until security arrives.
After finding his laptop I tear the keyboard in half with my tool that was given to me by a specialist at Langley; it is known as the "tool that tears off key boards in the M16 Building." Once I find the chip I plan my exit. Darn it, the helicopters have arrived. This makes a quick exit off the roof with my super long rope attached to a bow and arrow with a suction cup on the end of the arrow to stick to the glass of the building adjacent to the SIS impossible.
After realizing the enemy have swormed the elevators and the stairs I decide I must cut a hole in the glass of the window with my torch which is stored in one of my many pockets of my super sexy black low rider pants. Actually, the seam between the top of the zipper and the bottom of the zipper is five inches, that leaves room for a kick butt looking belt that I can carry other tools on from the speciallist at Langley.
Once I have torched a hole in the window, just big enough for me to squeeze threw, I throw my head out of the hole to check out how to get down the 25 floors I am up. Just then, bullets come at me from the helicopter that has just shown itself above the adjacent building. Thank God for bullet proof glass in the M16 building!
I decide I must do a running jump outside of the office window hole. I back up outside the office. I check out my adorable black hat I am wearing in my reflection from the glass window on the door. I give myself my best smile and then start my sprint to the window.
I dive through the window. I have a gun in each hand. I took the mandatory gymnastics class at Langley, so while flying through the air I do a few cartwheels while taking out the snipers in the helicopters. I then shoot my arrow gun against the outside of the building and slam into the window on the second floor. I am a bit shook up, but I unsnap myself from the rope that I was hooked on and fall the two stories and land on my feet.
I then run two blocks east and take a left, then I run one block north take a right and three blocks south and jump into the waiting van. When I get in the white van I scream, "GO GO GO GO."
I am driven through some very windy roads over looking cliffs with jagged rocks underneath and waves crashing on those rocks. The full moon illuminates the water perfectly. We drive through a tunnel come out the other side and press the button and wait for the door to open on the side of the mountain.
We pull in and I jump out. I hand the man in the very expensive Italian suit the chip. I pull my hat off, shake my hair out, apply my lipgloss. straighten out my shirt, throw my belt off to the side, change my boots to heels, and tell them, "Mission is complete, you know where you can find me."
You got it, I would love to be a secret agent! How hot would that be. I would love every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I Love it ... I am a huge James Patterson fan ... I could definitley see you in the afore mentioned! Down to earth you are, that's just so awesome!!!
