Thursday, June 18, 2009

If I Had To Do It All Over Again

If you could do it all over again would you change anything? Would you change one or two things?Would you go to a different college, marry a different spouse, have kids sooner or later or really be smart and not have any kids and just travel? That last example was a joke!
I have pondered this question before. You probably think I was pondering this question while sitting in a canoe in the middle of a peaceful lake while Mark was rowing and smiling at me while confessing his love! Not! It usually comes when the kids are screaming, Mark and I are disagreeing over something stupid, or I am dropping off my kids in the carpool lane I have waited for ten minutes to get to the front and realize the mother two cars ahead of me has gotten out of her, zipped up Johny's jacket, kissed him ten times, checked his lunch, combed his hair, gave him another hug, and did one more homework check. This is usually when my kids say, "Mom, please don't say anything, you will embarass us. Mom, please just roll up your window, we right on time." I reluctantly shut my mouth even though I want to scream out the window, "Listen dumb shit this is a drop off lane, your kid gets out, you stay in and drive off." I never do, for I know if I do the battle of the words will ensue and God forbid I don't get the last word in.
So, anyway, I believe you all know what I am going to say. I wouldn't change a thing. I would go through every thing I have gone through all over again because it made me who I am today. I am proud of myself, I love myself, and I respect myself. I do feel I am strong and I know there are very few situations you could put me in that I wouldn't come out of rockin' and rollin'. I am not bragging, I just feel it took me a long time to get here, I worked for what I am and who I am, why would I change it?
I hope you all say the same thing. I hope you all love yourselves and realize what powerful, strong, smart, beautiful, kind, generous, empathetic and loving individuals you are. If you don't realize that yet, it is only because someone did a number on you and you still haven't gotten their number. One day you will come out of the fog to see the light and realize who you are. We are all the same. No one is better and no one is worse. We just all get to our desinations at different times. I believe the ones that haven't arrived at the arrival gate will get there as long as they keep hope and faith alive.
I love writing. I love writing books, blogs and articles. It is my passion and something I will do forever and hopefully I can support my family doing it. BUT if I HAD to do it all over again, and my path called for a different map, there are three careers that I would choose to explore. One will shock you, one will not surprise you and the other one will just make you think, "Yea, that's Heather."
The one that will not surprise you is a doctor. Well maybe that surprised you! If you ever watched a horror movie with me and saw me scream and almost faint at the sight of blood it would surprise you. I cannot even watch my kids get shots, but doctors fascinate me.
Doctors are brilliant, talented, hard workers, and they change peoples lives and their moral. I cannot even imagine having the ability to look at my patient before surgery and tell them I will save their life. I cannot imagine having the control and ability to help people live, to cure them, to mend them, to heal them and to shower them with my happiness and show them gratitude for putting their life in my hands.
And yes of course, the hospital looks like a fun place to work. There is always action, drama, fights between nurses and doctors and doctors and nurses stemming from arguments over diagnoses, theories, and which medicines to prescribe. I am sure their are some great sex situations going on also. Sorry, had to throw that in. Movies, I know!
A doctor gives up a lot of time and herself. Their family comes second, that would be hard, but you are doing a job for the greater good of mankind, how awesome! I know that I would be the doctor that made a ton of money and then I would off to the jungles in Peru or the plains of Africa to cure the sick and needy with a team of specialist to help. I would work to help the under priviledged for as long as I could.
There are so many sick people in Third World Country's that die horrible deaths that could be prevented. If I had the means and the capability that is what I would do. I guess maybe when I die if I am to be reincarnated and I could choose my next life I would choose to be a doctor and humanitarian!
I don't have time to write to the other two professions that I would like to experience if I lived a different life right now. The kids are all at the park, it is 8:06, one friend has to be home @ 8:15 and the five others have to get in and take showers!

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