Sunday, June 7, 2009


I usually wake up in the morning with something embedded in my brain that I want to write about. This morning it was abortion and pro-choice. It was kind of weird, because I had a nightmare last night that I was surrounded by men and I couldn't get out. I knew they were going to rape me, and I had no choice. I ran in one direction, and then the other. They kept chasing me until I was cornered in a gas station. I didn't actually see the rape, but I knew it was about to happen, and I had no choice in the matter. My rights as a woman were taken away and put in the hands of strangers I didn't know. That is a scary feeling, that feeling was even scarier than the thought of getting raped.I believe in God. I deeply believe in God. I also believe in destiny, and I also know we are forgiven for our sins, and we are all on the path that we are supposed to be on. Guess what? I BELIEVE WITH ALL OF MY HEART we do not have to be given forgiveness for abortion.If you love God and believe in the bible than you believe the minute Eve bit that apple we were given free will! We are given the ability to choose. We have the right as humans to make our own choices, and our own mistakes. You know what, maybe that abortion wasn't a mistake. Who are you to say what someone else should do with their life or the life of their unborn child.Let me ask you did the abortion doctor that was murdered recently really deserve to die? If you answered yes, and you are pro-life, you are a bonified hypocrite. That my friends is the problem with religion, hypocrisy. That is why I don't belong to one "group." I belong to God. I have done pretty good so far. If you believe the doctor should have died, for his death, saved thousands of unborn lives I call you delusional. I have heard it all. The embroyo is living, there is a heart beat, etc. How about this man. He was actually truly living. He was walking and breathing. He was loved by family and friends. He was a doctor. He was a hardworker, but more than that he helped women that came into his clinic that needed help! He gave them a choice. He allowed them to choose, make their choice without disdain, hypocrisy or judgement. That brings me to the people that spend their time picketing abortion clinics. Can you please let me look into your lives to see your mistakes. Can you go home and look in the mirror after terrorizing lost woman and truly see a wonderful and kind human being looking back at yourself? I suggest you open your eyes. You are not doing God's work. You are selfish, and your ego is enflamed. For some reason pro-life people think it is their duty to take others free will away from them. Are they God? Or are they just acting like God? No, in my mind they are acting like the devil. For only evil would show up and kill a doctor, and demoralize a woman whom might have come to peace with the decision to abort but now instead will be traumitized by the lunatic screaming how evil she is. I can assure you, the woman who has an abortion is not going to hell. I can assure you the murderer of the doctor, has a better chance of going to hell for one reason: the murderer won't ask for forgiveness for his sin because he thinks this is what God wants, where as the woman who just had the abortion will ask for forgiveness and also ask for directions on which path to take so she doesn't end up being stalked by protesters at the abortion clinic again.I love life as much as the next person and probably more than most. I get what life is about, I understand completely what it takes to be a good human being, and I can tell you you are not a good person when you play God. When you put on God's crown you better wear it well. I can tell you God would not call for the murder of an innocent doctor. So stop hiding behind God and your bullshit excuses, and tell the truth of why you are so for taking control of a woman's life. And yes, I use the word control, for when you take a woman's choice from her you are taking control. When a person feels they are losing control they will go to great lengths to get it back.Maybe we should look into some of these picketers and doctor murderers lives. Should we picket the front of their house with signs that say, "He did not pay his taxes." "He is an abuser." " He or she is a bad parent." "He/she is a cheater." "He/she is a racist." Hell no we shouldn't do that. But basically that is what a picketer is doing to these women at abortion clinics. It is time to abide by the law, which is what God says to do. The law says; "ABORTION IS LEGAL!" Step back, look at yourself, and cure your own issues.

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