Saturday, April 18, 2009

Girls and Their Fathers

I admit, in the past I have made fun of Lindsay Lohan and her behavior. But everything I am now reading screams, HELP! I am so sad for this child at the moment. Her break-up with her love Samantha Ronson has caused her great mental lapses.
Her father has repeatedly said, "Samantha is bad for Lindsay. Lindsay needs to leave her. Samantha is ruining Lindsay's career." Every time I read that I want to say to Michael Lohan, "You have single handledly ruined a beautiful young girls mind, self-esteem, security and the ability to love herself!"
Michael Lohan was sent to jail for assault and drunk driving. When his defense team asked that Michael be sent to rehab the judge said, "Michael has a pattern of destructive behavior to both himself and his family." His wife, whom is not much better, filed for divorce years earlier because of his uncontrollable behavior. Michael supposedly assaulted his brother-in-law at his son's communion party. Michael also claims Lindsay's mom drinks in front of the kids, and uses drugs.
Tell me, how a girl growing up in that sort of home environment coupled with Hollywood can possibly come out mentally strong and have the strength from within to do the right thing! It is almost impossible. Lindsay witnessed abuse towards her mother from her father for years and years, while both of them were drunk and on cocaine.
I am not sure if people realize a father's role in a child's life is just as important as a mothers. A daughter emulates her father. He is the example of how a woman should be treated by a man. A father is the one that instills a lot of the self-esteem and self-respect in a girl. The worst role a girl can fall into is the pleaser role. For if she is always trying to please her father as a child she will turn into a pleaser as an adult. Abuse will be accepted, a normal relationship will be tough, for normalcy is foreign to her. As humans we are creatures of habit, and when you are used to chaos, if peace presents itself you will throw in a hurricane to stir up the dust because you don't feel safe in a state of calm. It will take years to stop creating situations to mimick your childhood. The only reason you will finally change is because you are close to losing someone you love. Chaos is easy for a child coming from a family of turmoil. The one reason one sabotages their own life is for the chance to fix what is wrong. That child becomes the fixer, the enabler and the carpet. When their is nothing to fix you feel out of control.
I am sure Lindsay is anxious, nervous, and extremely unsettled. Supposedly her fifteen year old sister is the one counseling her! Meanwhile, Lindsay is out clubbing and skinnier than ever.
She can recover and become a person that seeks out peace instead of relationships that she knows are bad for her. But it is going to take years and years. I wish her nothing but happiness. I pray someone steps into her life with their life in order soon. I pray someone can help her realize she is not dying, she is not worthless, she didn't deserve this, and that she will find happiness and a person to love and love her back the way she deserves to be loved!
If you have a daughter, emulate her while simultaneously building up her self-esteem and self-respect!

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